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The NHS Scotland Academy is supporting the National Perioperative Training Programme (NPT) through accelerated workforce development.

Foundations of Perioperative Practice

The NPT's Accelerated Workforce Programme is offering accelerated education and training through a hub and spoke approach to Band 5 registered scrub nurses new to the perioperative environment. 

National Perioperative Training: Foundations of Perioperative Practice available on TURAS Learn.

What is the Foundations of Perioperative Practice?

The Foundations of Perioperative Practice is for Band 5 Registered Nurses new to the perioperative environment. 

Made up of pre-operative, perioperative and post-operative subjects, learners complete an accelerated perioperative care programme through online, face-to-face and simulated scenarios.

The programme supports the ongoing development of knowledge, capabilities and essential clinical skills needed to provide safe and effective care for patients across the perioperative environment.

Learners benefit from access to a bespoke, interactive digital learning package that introduces them to concepts before expanding on these in a face-to-face setting. 

Learners can track their their progress and complete their work-based competencies through an online portfolio. 

The face-to-face workshops allow learners to train in a patient and learner-safe environment where time can be spent developing their skills and application. Using a constructive approach, learners can gain and practice their skills in a simulated environment where they can determine the best course of action for the patient. 

NHS Boards identify prospective learners and apply to the Scottish Government to secure the learner places.

Course structure

The programme runs across 31 weeks, including 9 immersive days of face-to-face training and online learning using the NHS Education for Scotland (NES) TURAS and Microsoft Teams platforms.

This teaching covers pre-surgical, surgical and post-surgical activities that relate to the perioperative role. 

Learners benefit from this blended learning approach, incorporating immersive hands on training, ‘Applied Learning Days’ (ApLe) using specialty surgical case studies to consolidate learning, experienced supervisor training, and expansion of skills and critical engagement.

Training is currently taking place at the NHS Scotland Academy Skills and Simulation Centre based at NHS Golden Jubilee University National Hospital where simulations can be carried out using these state-of-the art facilities and technology.

Through the use of TURAS Learn, the NHS Scotland Academy team have worked in collaboration with NES to develop an online perioperative education package that supports the accelerated learning of those on the programme.

The core skills of this programme include:

  • surgical scrub 
  • surgical instrument familiarisation
  • human factors 
  • perioperative law and ethics 
  • key perioperative aspects of different surgical specialties 
  • Applied Learning days (ApLe) 

These essential resources remain available to all learners after they have completed the programme.

Who are we?

The programme has a dedicated faculty of clinical educators including, operating department practitioners and perioperative staff nurses, ensuring all 3 perioperative specialties – scrub, anaesthetics and recovery – are covered.

How do I apply? 

Spaces for our Perioperative Programmes are allocated by the Scottish Government on a first come first served basis and must be applied for by your Health Board.

Individuals are not able to apply directly – your employer will apply on your behalf.  We will then arrange to transfer a payment to your Board to enable them to support you though the programme.

The relevant clinical/theatre manager within your Health Board is responsible for submitting applications on your behalf. If you are not sure who to contact, please email us at

All NHS Boards submitting applications can do so by visiting Foundations of Perioperative Practice recruitment form

The next intake for this programme is 24 July 2024, with the first block of immersive learning delivered in our Skills and Simulation Centre at NHS Golden Jubilee from 6 - 8 August 2024.

Supportive Resources 

Further careers information designed to support potential and existing Perioperative Practitioners can be found on TURAS Learn 

Access the Perioperative Workforce Guide on Perioperative Workforce Guide: TURAS Learn 

For more information contact

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